Below are the best videos we could find featuring adyashanti about non duality.
In a rare meeting of minds, and a rare exploration of whether there is a predilection for spirituality, Gabor Maté asks Adyashanti to expand on passages from his recent book My Secret Is Silence.
Awakening to our true nature does not mark the end of the spiritual path—it’s just the beginning. In this intimate and compelling dialogue, Adyashanti and Loch Kelly explore the journey after awakening.
How do you go from intellectual understanding to a direct realization of your true nature? Although there is no predictable process to bring about realization, Adyashanti describes what you can do to ground your understanding in silence.
This fresh and insightful satsang reveals an essential but often-missed aspect of spirituality: the art of listening. Adyashanti shows us how we can experience true listening-not just hearing sounds with our ears, but rather opening our entire being to what is.
Is it possible to “allow everything to be as it is,” even when you are in the midst of suffering? Adyashanti discusses this foundational teaching and how it is often overlooked because it sounds so simple.
Photo Credit: Photographed by Greg Beda / Distributed under the CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported license