Below are the best videos we could find featuring a h almaas about science and spirituality.
This is a clip from Hameed Ali’s (A. H. Almaas) talk at Science and Nonduality Conference 2012 in San Rafael, CA. Self can refer to our spiritual true nature as when we speak of true self, or mostly it refers to the ego self that functions as the primary impediment to spiritual realization.
In this interview Hameed Ali (A. H. Almaas) discusses what the quantum phenomena of entanglement is pointing to in terms of spiritual path and intimate relationships. He presents in brief the theme of the Science and Nonduality Conference 2014 “Consciousness, Entanglement and Life.”
A. H. Almaas challenges the prevailing non-dualistic view of realization when it considers dualistic experience as due to the individual’s delusion of separateness.
For Nondual teachings, consciousness is everything and the nature of everything. For scientific theories, consciousness appears at some point in the physical world, and makes experience and science possible. Science has advanced various theories to understand consciousness and where it comes from.
What kind of spiritual perception or insight parallels, or may account for, such property of entanglement? Is nondual perception sufficient to account for entanglement? Or do we need to look at another characteristic of consciousness—the fundamental spiritual element—to find a realization that...