Below are the best resources we could find featuring a h almaas about consciousness.
How the mysterious nine-pointed symbol of the enneagram illuminates the worst pitfalls and highest virtues of our psyches. The Enneagram of Passions and Virtues elucidates human experience beyond the personality structure.
What I would like to encourage . . . is to be open to what various teachings say, and, at the same time, question everything, even your own perceptions, until a more satisfactory method of verification than we have at present becomes available.
For Nondual teachings, consciousness is everything and the nature of everything. For scientific theories, consciousness appears at some point in the physical world, and makes experience and science possible. Science has advanced various theories to understand consciousness and where it comes from.
More than just a tool to diagnose your personality type, the Enneagram was originally developed to help people find the ultimate freedom of consciousness and achieve spiritual liberation. A. H.
This paper addresses the phenomenological givens of all experience: first personal givenness, reflexivity of consciousness, and unity of experience in space and time.
This is a clip from Hameed Ali’s (A. H. Almaas) talk at Science and Nonduality Conference 2012 in San Rafael, CA. Self can refer to our spiritual true nature as when we speak of true self, or mostly it refers to the ego self that functions as the primary impediment to spiritual realization.
In this illuminating conversation, Hameed Ali Almaas and Robert Thurman discuss the subject of being and nonbeing, emptiness and presence and how this is a foray into the unknown depths of being.
At his SAND18 appearance A. H. Almaas talks about the importance and mystery of being human, and of the great opportunity and potential of human beings.
A revised and expanded edition of the definitive guide to the Diamond Approach, the modern contemplative practice that integrates psychology and spirituality and emphasizes the importance of self-inquiry.
The primary import of the present contemplation is to point out the significance of both recognizing and experiencing the individual consciousness, whether we refer to it as soul, stream of consciousness, or subtle continuum of awareness.