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Only when we tell our stories can there be real healing.

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Zainab Salbi is an Iraqi women’s rights activist, social entrepreneur, writer, public speaker, and media personality. She founded Women for Women International, which is dedicated to helping women in war-torn regions rebuild their lives and communities, and has produced and hosted documentary-style series for PBS, Yahoo News, and HuffPost.

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The Behavior Code: A Practical Guide to Understanding and Teaching the Most Challenging Students

The Behavior Code unlocks a wealth of proven practices to help teachers, counselors, and parents identify the messages underlying challenging student behaviors and respond in supportive ways.

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What Ails Us

Most genetic studies completely ignore the science of epigenetics, which is how the environment actually turns certain genes on or off.

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How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body

There is no longer any doubt that the way we think affects our bodies: countless scientific studies have shown this to be true. For former pharmaceutical scientist Dr David Hamilton, the testing of new drugs highlighted how profoundly the mind and body are connected.

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Community Transformation and Healing