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After what felt like an eternity, we started to walk the trails. I looked at my watch. We had only been by the river for 30 minutes. So strange. Time lasts forever when you are actually in the moment.

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Jeff Brown is a Canadian author, filmmaker, and speaker focusing on spiritual growth. He is the founder of Soulshaping Institute, which he created to support others in their efforts to find their own path and purpose and to bridge the emotional and the spiritual life in a sustainable way.

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Alchemy of the Heart

Some of you may not have the time, space, or inclination to read or enter the two-and-a-half month practical procedure of The Presence Process. Still, you would like to know the foundational insights that awaken us from reactive and into responsive behavior.

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The Presence Process: A Journey Into Present Moment Awareness (Second Edition)

Why is it so difficult to respond consciously when we are upset? Why do we instead resort to hurtful, repetitive, unconscious, reactive behaviors? The reason is that we all have deeply suppressed emotional imprints that are programmed into us through experience and other’s example.

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