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Spiritual desire is the experience of God’s presence in us or it may be the absence of God as well, since a feeling of absence may stimulate a yearning for God. It is the experience of delightful love and fearful emptiness.

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Ilia Delio is a Franciscan Sister and American theologian specializing in the area of science and religion. Her interests include evolution, physics, and neuroscience and how these fields relate to theology.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageLife’s work is to wake up, to let the things that enter into the circle wake you up rather than put you to sleep. The only way to do this is to open, be curious, and develop some sense of sympathy for everything that comes along, to get to know its nature and let it teach you what it will.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageAvoidance will make you feel less vulnerable in the short run, but it will never make you less afraid.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageStay a verb—don’t become a noun.

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FindCenter Quotes Image. . . it is almost always the case that whatever has wounded you will also be instrumental in your healing.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageThe miracle is that your children will love you with all your imperfections if you can do the same for them.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageRespect the fact that all you do and are now has evolved for a good reason and serves an important purpose.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageThe inner revolution will not be televised or sold on the Internet. It must take place within one’s own mind and heart.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageIt is not fear that stops you from doing the brave and true thing in your daily life. Rather, the problem is avoidance. You want to feel comfortable so you avoid doing or saying the thing that will evoke fear and other difficult emotions.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageHe who cannot reveal himself cannot love, and he who cannot love is the most unhappy man of all.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageWhen we try to protect ourselves from the inevitability of change, we are not listening to the soul. We are listening to our fear of life and death, our lack of faith, our smaller ego’s will to prevail.

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