Filled with secrets from a therapist’s toolkit, Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before teaches you how to fortify and maintain your mental health, even in the most trying of times.
When Peter Keating took off from the starting line at the Boston Marathon, it was the realization of a dream come true, but he never imagined just how unique his 26.2-mile trek would be.
When we’re upset with someone, we’re often afraid to say anything. We tell ourselves, “Oh, it’s just a small matter; it’s not important.” But the accumulation of many small issues can create an explosive situation, and can even cause relationships to break.
It’s natural to get defensive, but that only escalates the cycle of aggression.
A few months and many deaths ago, I woke up exhausted, again. Every morning, I felt like I was rebuilding myself from the ground up. Waking up was hard. Getting to my desk to write was hard. Taking care of my body was hard. Remembering the point of it all was hard.
Most of us think that love is something out there—something to be attained—yet the Buddha taught that underneath our layers of self-doubt and criticism is peace and love within each of us.
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Are you a giver or a taker? Have you ever struggled to find work/life balance? How do you build resilience in yourself, your team, or your children?
Author, counselor, theologian and lecturer John Bradshaw discusses his newest book, Reclaiming Virtue, the definition of virtue and how to live life with moral intelligence.
Family Secrets gives you the tools you need to understand your family—and yourself—in an entirely new way. In his bestselling books and compelling PBS specials, John Bradshaw has transformed our understanding of how we are shaped by our families.
Passive-aggressive people: Could you be one of them? Passive-aggressive people don't get mad, they get even. When conflict triggers an emotional response, the passive-aggressive pattern is for revenge, by some form of sabotage.