A week after her forty-first birthday, the acclaimed poet Anne Boyer was diagnosed with highly aggressive triple-negative breast cancer.
The mother/daughter relationship is one of the most intense relationships a woman will ever experience-it is strong and primary. This first and essential relationship has a powerful, though often subtle, effect on an adult woman's interactions with her mate, children, friends-and herself.
The very qualities that lead to greater emotional satisfaction in peer marriages, as one sociologist calls them, may be having an unexpectedly negative impact on these couples’ sex lives.
In a 2013 sit-down with Oprah Winfrey for “Super Soul Sunday,” Dr. Maya Angelou revealed how her tough but tender-hearted mother transformed her life. Plus, the legendary author and Oprah’s “greatest spiritual teacher” shared her insights on aging.
Anna Sale wants you to have that conversation. You know the one. The one that you’ve been avoiding or putting off, maybe for years.
Couples are having less sex these days than even in the famously uptight ’50s. Why?