Make the most out of your college experience with these manageable self-care tips that are easy to incorporate into your busy college lifestyle. As a student in college—you’re dealing with a lot.
We become more effective agents of change when we are nurturing our own happiness and personal growth.
“Even with these health consequences, we can see the benefits of taking a stand because people are fighting for what they believe in and protecting people’s lives,” Sumner said. “I don’t think the answer is to stop altogether. It speaks to how critical it is to engage in self-care.
It’s important to keep up with self-care for long-term, sustainable social activism.
The stories of these 12 warriors show the beauty of self-care and the healing power of yoga.
A veteran turned to art to try to heal his trauma. There he found solace and meaning. Now he helps others.
Licensed Acupuncturist Stephanie Gregory instructs Veterans in an acupressure self-care routine for headaches. This acupressure video is not intended to replace regular medical care, or treat undiagnosed conditions.
What is "self-care" to a veteran? It can include all of the things that you didn't have to do for yourself in the military - like scheduling doctor's appointments or managing your own schedule - and it can also include learning how to treat yourself as a priority by getting enough sleep, finding a...
We are Combat Stress, the UK's leading charity for veterans' mental health.
Retired veteran Brian Vines is the fulltime caregiver for his Army veteran wife, Natalie Vines, who has TBI and PTSD. He knows that to be a good caregiver, he has to take time for himself whether that means a short break in the day or a meaningful reboot through retreats with other caregivers.