Bestselling author and peak performance expert Steven Kotler decodes the secrets of those elite performers—athletes, artists, scientists, CEOs and more—who have changed our definition of the possible, teaching us how we too can stretch far beyond our capabilities, making impossible dreams much more...
Working for yourself comes with many upsides - and downsides. The Fail-Safe Solopreneur is your survival guide for managing the downsides.
Research has found there are two fundamentally different approaches to creativity and innovation as it relates to your age.
Artist Titus Kaphar makes paintings and sculptures that wrestle with the struggles of the past while speaking to the diversity and advances of the present.
An inspirational book by self-made musical superstar, Russ, reminding you that it starts with YOU, to believe in yourself, and to get out of your own way. Twenty-seven-year-old rapper, songwriter, and producer Russ walks his own path, at his own pace.
Discover the transformative power of leisure to recapture your calm and creativity. We live in a time where busyness is often seen as a badge of honor.
Ten pros share their tricks for staying engaged with your work.
Self-care has become a buzzword--and a necessary part of life in our stressful and uncertain times. As this creative, insightful journal demonstrates on every page, self-care is whatever you want it to be. Taking a walk in nature. Meeting a friend for tea.
Clifton & Sanchez - Mirrors & Windows 10/24/2001 at The New School, New York, NY. Moderated by Eisa Davis.
We know that our minds are capable of great things because, every now and then, they come out with a brilliant idea or two. However, our minds are also unpredictable, spending large stretches of time idling or distracting themselves.