Marie Forleo is an American entrepreneur, philanthropist, author, and self-proclaimed unshakable optimist. She is a New York Times bestselling author and was named by Oprah as a thought leader for the next generation.
Osho is responding to the question of a visitor: Is it really possible to be in the "now-here" all the time? Most of my time seems to go in planning for, or worrying about, the future.
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Thich Nhat Hanh answers questions during a retreat in Plum Village (May, 2014). Question: How do I stay in the present moment when it feels unbearable?
In The Unfolding Now, A. H. Almaas presents a marvelously effective practice for developing the transformative quality of presence.
How can we stay engaged with life day after day? How can we continue to love—keep our minds in a happy mood—when life is complex and often challenging? These are questions that Sylvia Boorstein addresses in Happiness Is an Inside Job.
Some of you may not have the time, space, or inclination to read or enter the two-and-a-half month practical procedure of The Presence Process. Still, you would like to know the foundational insights that awaken us from reactive and into responsive behavior.
Why is it so difficult to respond consciously when we are upset? Why do we instead resort to hurtful, repetitive, unconscious, reactive behaviors? The reason is that we all have deeply suppressed emotional imprints that are programmed into us through experience and other’s example.
With unique clarity, this book describes how presence can be developed to vastly improve our lives. Drawing on the work of the beloved Sufi poet, Rumi, as well as traditional material and personal experience, this book integrates the ancient wisdom of Sufism with the needs of contemporary life.
When teachers care for themselves deeply and deliberately, they are better able to care for the people that matter most in their lives—their students, friends, and families. Practicing Presence focuses not on doing, but rather on being present in the life of the classroom.
Poetry of Presence: An Anthology of Mindfulness Poems is a collection of poetry that provides a refuge of quiet clarity very much needed in today's restless, chaotic world. Every reader will find favorites to share and to return to, again and again.
As soon as you disbelieve a thought that is creating one of your unwanted emotions, that emotion will instantly dissolve.