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Healthy nutrition is just as much an art as science. It is important to test and investigate methods and foods in your own laboratory (your body) and observe how various things affect you.

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Mantak Chia is a Thai Toaist Master, teacher, author, and speaker. Chia’s work focuses on finding balance and using Taoist methods for harnessing life force energy for greater health, longevity, and happiness.

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#25 Gary Taubes: Is Sugar Slowly Killing Us

It seems that nowadays, aside from religion and politics, one of the most hotly debated topics is that of nutrition.

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Why Calories Count: From Science to Politics

Calories―too few or too many―are the source of health problems affecting billions of people in today’s globalized world. Although calories are essential to human health and survival, they cannot be seen, smelled, or tasted. They are also hard to understand.

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