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Healthy nutrition is just as much an art as science. It is important to test and investigate methods and foods in your own laboratory (your body) and observe how various things affect you.

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Mantak Chia is a Thai Toaist Master, teacher, author, and speaker. Chia’s work focuses on finding balance and using Taoist methods for harnessing life force energy for greater health, longevity, and happiness.

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Can the World Mend in This Body?

The author writes that what she does on behalf of healing any individual or being must also be healing, even if not directly extended, for the world itself.

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Architects of Change: Martha Beck

Maria Shriver sits down with author and friend Martha Beck for an Architects of Change LIVE conversation.

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Thomas Hübl: Mystical Principles of Healing

Integrating the Past - Presenting the Future: Thomas talks about the nature of healing as a process of personal and collective transformation.

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Healing Approaches