Kate Johnson is an American meditation teacher and author focusing on mindfulness and awareness practices.
It’s far from news that there is a lack of space and resources allocated for Black women to heal.
Discover the transformative power of leisure to recapture your calm and creativity. We live in a time where busyness is often seen as a badge of honor.
Are you having unusually realistic dreams? Here’s what science can tell you.
It’s 4 a.m., and the big test is in eight hours. You’ve been studying for days, but you still don’t feel ready.
Many students believe that the more they study, the better they will perform in school, even if that means sacrificing a night of rest.
Whatever you may think can get in the way of a successful college experience, chances are you won’t think of one of the most important factors: how long and how well you sleep. And not just on weekends, but every day, Monday through Sunday.
Sleep is underrated when it comes to college students. Many treat sleep as a luxury only for the weekends, when it should be treated the same no matter the day of the week. The negative effects of an unfulfilling night of sleep outweigh the benefits of a few more hours of studying.
According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), the best way to maximize performance on final exams is to both study and get a good night of sleep.
Make the most out of your college experience with these manageable self-care tips that are easy to incorporate into your busy college lifestyle. As a student in college—you’re dealing with a lot.