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Live here. Deal with what is present rather than with what is absent.

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Claudio Benjamín Naranjo Cohen, MD, (1932–2019) was a Chilean psychiatrist and author and is considered a pioneer in integrating psychotherapy and spiritual traditions. He is well known for his research of psychedelic therapy using MDMA, for being a principal developer of Enneagram of Personality theories, and for being a founder of the Seekers After Truth (SAT) Institute.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageHappiness is closer to the experience of acceptance and contentment than it is to pleasure. True happiness exists as the spacious and compassionate heart’s willingness to feel whatever is present.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageThe ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageLife can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageNo matter how simplified or complicated life gets, it can make us miserable or it can wake us up.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageOne of my greatest lessons at this point in my life is that there is no there. There's only here.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageLife’s work is to wake up, to let the things that enter into the circle wake you up rather than put you to sleep. The only way to do this is to open, be curious, and develop some sense of sympathy for everything that comes along, to get to know its nature and let it teach you what it will.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageOnly awareness of your shadow qualities can help you to find an appropriate place for your unredeemed darkness and thereby create a more satisfying experience.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageExcessive use of external motivation can slow and even stop your journey to mastery.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageLearning any new skill involves relatively brief spurts of progress, each of which is followed by a slight decline to a plateau somewhat higher in most cases than that which preceded it . . . the upward spurts vary; the plateaus have their own dips and rises along the way. . . .

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FindCenter Quotes ImageWhat we call ‘mastery’ can be defined as that mysterious process through which what is at first difficult or even impossible becomes easy and pleasurable through diligent, patient, long-term practice.

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