In this talk, Christina connects her experience of living with brain cancer to her field of study and explains why tools of gratitude can increase our well-being and what is happening in our brains when we experience and express gratitude.
Extraordinary talk by a therapist and author who is also multiply disabled about not believing any predictions that don’t empower you.
Don’t take anything personally. This agreement gives you immunity in the interaction you have with the secondary characters in your story. You don’t have to concern yourself with other people’s points of view.
Survivors of sexual assault are often faced with PTSD, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and substance abuse. Jacquelyn Weis, a Holistic Healer and sexual abuse survivor, understands the shame-plagued brokenness that results.
Is your greatest enemy, or bully, in life actually yourself? Do you put yourself down, tell yourself, “You can’t do it,” or shut down your own dreams before even giving them a try? On this episode of Women of Impact, empowerment coach, podcast host, writer, and athlete Roxy Saffaie joins Lisa...
Good Life Project founder Jonathan Fields interviews New York Times bestselling author and founder of the Crazy, Sexy movement, Kris Carr.
How do you learn to love who you are, follow your dreams, and seize the moment―when just getting to Friday feels like a struggle? Strong Women Rising has some pointers.
The frequency of home is mostly about simple listening, love, and respect, and it's a repeated choice. Practice landing and situating yourself in that frequency; your body will thank you.