Everyone has the ability to build mental strength, but most people don't know how. We spend a lot of time talking about physical strength and physical health, but much less time on mental strength and mental health.
There is something beautiful to be found in every situation. You just need to look for it. For Jami, receiving a Cancer diagnosis was no different. She knew there would be something amazing to experience through her diagnosis.
Sacred Sundays is a monthly consciousness-raising salon featuring some of today's leaders in self-help, healing, meditation, and modern spirituality. The event is hosted by mindfulness meditation teacher and Author Ora Nadrich.
When faced with loss or trauma, the grief can oftentimes feel overwhelming. It can feel difficult, if not impossible, to focus your attention elsewhere. And yet, during hard times is the perfect time to look inwards for support and practice self-care.
Join Panache for these powerful teachings to connect with your own divinity and know that you were put here to do great things, to live in love, and to revel in the magnificence of your own divine nature.
How have Black women elders managed stress? In Black Women’s Yoga History, Stephanie Y.
Combining spiritual, psychological, and self-reflective tools, Thomas offers an antidote to the make-it-happen mainstream culture and fosters slowing down, intentionality, and self-care as a pathway to empowerment.