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True change is within; leave the outside as it is.

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His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama is the current spiritual leader of the Guleg (“Yellow Hat”) school of Tibetan Buddhism and is considered the religious and political leader of Tibet. He has lived in exile in India since the Chinese annexation of Tibet in 1959, and in 1989, he won the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to peacefully liberate Tibet from China. Since retiring from his political role in 2011, his principal commitments have included helping others understand and experience happiness, encouraging harmony among the world’s religions, and preserving Tibetan language and culture. He is the author of more than one hundred books.

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7 Mindsets for Success, Happiness and Fulfilment

Thoughts and feelings that persist over time harden into an attitude. If you live with an attitude long enough, it becomes second nature—a mindset. The wrong mindset could lead you off the path of contentment, joy, enlightenment.

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7 Divine Laws to Awaken Your Best Self

Just as heat is inherent in fire, so is our desire to become better. Why is personal growth and life transformation so difficult? Does Creation wish that we fail? Of course not! The purpose behind the Universes grand design is to make us succeed.

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