Mitch Albom is a bestselling author, journalist, musician, dramatist, and broadcaster. His inspirational books about life and death, including Tuesdays with Morrie, have sold over forty million copies worldwide.
New England Patriots Coach Michael Lombardi and I discuss the four aspects of leadership, high stakes decision making, creating a winning culture at work and at home and much more.
Our brains never stop growing, learning and adapting. Every day, we have the opportunity to form new neural pathways based on what we learn and the decisions we make, overwriting the old patterns and self-narratives that have held us back from leading a fulfilling and authentic life.
Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen created a course for first and second-year medical students called the Healer's Art. She teaches that the best practice of medicine is about connecting with your patient, requires more listening than doing, and is about more than a cure.