Deepak Chopra, MD, is a prolific Indian American author, speaker, and alternative medicine advocate. His work focuses on integrative medicine and personal transformation at the intersection of science and spirituality.
At its heart, achieving your full potential is about being the best person that you can be. Since everyone is different, you will need to define the terms of success for yourself. Therefore, it is important to know yourself.
It's an aha! moment a minute in this round of Soul to Soul! Find out spiritual teacher Panache Desai's definition of God, what prayer means to him and why he says we all have a little piece of Harry Potter inside of us.
Achieving equilibrium in today’s age of anxiety can seem like a near-impossible—even frivolous—task. Panache Desai offers a refreshing, surprisingly unusual approach to meet the challenges of the modern moment and heal the fractured self it produces.
Where does that “winning edge” you’ve heard so much about come from? How do some people seem to find success simply from waking up and getting out of bed? World-renowned performance expert Brian Tracy has spent decades studying uncommonly high achievers.