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You cannot be lonely if you like the person you’re alone with.

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Wayne Dyer, EdD, (1940–2015) was an American counselor, psychology professor, and popular author of self-help and spiritual books, focusing on positive thinking, self-actualization, life balance, and self-reliance. His first book, Your Erroneous Zones, was published in 1976 and is one of the bestselling books of all time.

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Decoding Boys: New Science Behind the Subtle Art of Raising Sons

Why do we get boys' adolescence so wrong? Here's how to steer them through this silent and confusing passage, by the co-author of the bestselling Care and Keeping of You series and Guy Stuff: The Body Book for Boys.

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How to Deal with Loneliness

Is a feeling of loneliness tied to being incomplete without a partner? Delving into the idea that it is unseemly for a woman to be alone, Kim suggests that it is the questioner's belief in this standard that is causing her unhappiness.

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