You can find plenty of practical information out there about pregnancy and parenting, but what about the emotional rollercoaster and identity shift that occurs for many women and their partners when they have a child?
When faced with great change we must trust what comes budding forth. We must quickly release our grasp on the old and familiar in order to plant our new garden.
Thanks to longer, healthier lives, human beings face more life transitions than ever before. No matter what age or stage you’re at, transitioning is a skill to work on.
A doctor shares effective ways to thrive during change with a combination of science and ancient wisdom viewed through the lens of a personal journey.
Transitions feel like an abnormal disruption to life, but in fact they are a predictable and integral part of it.
Episode Five: Don’t Start The Crisis Without Me. Psychologist/Theologian John Bradshaw traces human life through eight stages of psychosocial development (based on the works of Erik Erikson) focusing on the ego needs and strengths of each stage.
The liminal space is the area between, the area of change and transition. It’s uncomfortable, but don’t attempt to ‘do’ your way out of liminality by setting goals and plowing ahead.
Loss and change can come in different forms, but one thing remains the same: it’s never easy.
Change can be good if you approach it with these 10 research-based tips.