Let us celebrate being alive, having a place in the grand scheme of things, feeling connected to the earth and all its inhabitants.
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Read on www.poetryfoundation.org
We are speaking with Nancy Mellon, an elder in the global storytelling renaissance, a psychotherapist and a former Waldorf teacher who now lives in California.
Psychic communication between pets and people happens every day! Discover how animals communicate psychically every day, how animal communication between humans and animals works, and whether or not you can use it to talk to your pet on the Other Side
This reference explores Qabbalah, Sibyls, Fairies, Poltergeists; phenomena such as intuition and karma; objects useful in the attempt to cross the divide, including tarot cards, flower reading, and runes; and related practices such as Shamanism, transfiguration, meditation, and mesmerism.