Let us celebrate being alive, having a place in the grand scheme of things, feeling connected to the earth and all its inhabitants.
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Read on www.poetryfoundation.org
This much-needed book outlines clear and effective strategies to help you cope with the tension, anxiety, trauma and violence of modern living.
This book is about hope and a call to action to make the world the kind of place we want to live in.
“If I should have a daughter, instead of Mom, she’s gonna call me Point B ...” began spoken word poet Sarah Kay, in a talk that inspired two standing ovations at TED2011.
Return to Joy is a compelling and potent invitation to the reader to consider that joy is the ultimate nature of reality and that its absence lies at the root of the current, unprecedented global crisis.
When people hear that I teach an online course called Awakening Joy, they sometimes respond with skepticism; the idea of letting themselves actually feel joy in times like these seems a bit frivolous and self-indulgent.