Bly describes a process of grieving encapsulated in poignant dreams.
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Seeking the most powerful healing practices to address the invisible wounds of war, Dr. Ed Tick has led journeys to Vietnam for veterans, survivors, activists, and pilgrims for the past twenty years.
This much-needed book outlines clear and effective strategies to help you cope with the tension, anxiety, trauma and violence of modern living.
For Saeed Jones, generations collapse into seconds during an American week of chaos and sorrow.
Kati Morton is a licensed marriage and family therapist who runs a private practice in Santa Monica, California. In this episode, we talk about her new book, Traumatized: Identify, Understand, and Cope with PTSD and Emotional Stress.
Working with the circuitry of the brain to restore emotional health and well-being.
A young mother nears the end of her pregnancy with the hope that this child will be as healthy as her other three children. For some reason, however, she feels a sense that something is wrong.
This is an amazing, candid, heartfelt Q&A with Dr. Joanne Cacciatore on Healing Traumatic Grief.
Sherry Gaba, LCSW and Editor of Recovery Today Magazine had the opportunity to interview Dr. Joanne Cacciatore who is a research professor at Arizona State University with nearly 70 published studies and directs the graduate Certificate in Trauma and Bereavement.
Join Dr Jo Cacciatore, sharing her reflections on love, loss and the heart-breaking path of grief for a child. Hosted by The Compassionate Friends, UK on 4 May 2021.
Amazing interview and produced video by Joe Polish Founder of @geniuswork