This poem by Hafiz celebrates the Phoenix of Islamic mythology.
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The author combines his research into Sufi doctrine and history with a rich account of the spiritual and metaphysical significance of Sufism as a living tradition.
These selections from the Qur'an—featuring gender-inclusive language—will appeal to non-Muslims and students of comparative religion as well as practicing Muslims and Sufis.
This short study of the life of the Blessed Prophet of Islam, for high school and above, is neither a new historical analysis nor yet another purely devotional sketch of the earthly career of God's last prophet.
This comprehensive study explores sufism as a form of self-purification, offering a deeper understanding of the sacred acts and a greater knowledge and love of the divine.
Essentials of the Islamic Faith is a selection from some of the speeches M. Fethullah Gülen has given to large audiences over a life-time of dedicated service.
A lecture delivered by Idries Shah before a live audience in 1977 In this lecture Shah talks about the correct approach the student needs to take in order to learn, as well as the characteristics that aid the student in his study of Sufism and those which are detrimental to it.