This poem by Hafiz celebrates the Phoenix of Islamic mythology.
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"My heart wandered through the world constantly seeking after my cure, but the sweet and delicious water of life had to break through the granite of my heart." When the words of Rumi enter your heart, something softens, breaks, and is subtly reborn.
These translated poems were written by 2 ladies of the Heian court of Japan between the ninth and eleventh centuries A.D. The poems speak intimately of their authors' sexual longing, fulfillment and disillusionment.
Watch a fascinating interview about 'Rumi and His Friends' with translator Camille Adams Helminski, author of Women of Sufism: A Hidden Treasure and 99 Names of the Beloved.
An in-depth conversation on how Camille fell in love with Rumi, the Sufi path and what it brought to her heart.
The co-founder of the Threshold Society, an educational foundation rooted in the Mevlevi tradition of Sufism, author and translator Camille Helminski’s books include The Book of Nature, The Light of Dawn, and The Rumi Collection.
Rumi’s Sun collects many lessons and discourses from Shams of Tabriz, the Sufi mystic and spiritual master who was the catalyst for Rumi’s awakening. Rumi’s son wrote, “After meeting Shams, my father danced all day and sang all night. He had been a scholar he became a poet.
Shaikh Kabir Helminski is a Sufi master of the 700 year old Mevlevi order, the lineage of Jalaluddin Rumi. Sufism (tasawwuf) is the inner, spiritual, mystical dimension of Islam. Its aim is the development of Presence and Love.
Love is the meaning of our existence, the raw material of transformation, the glorious way of access to Divine intimacy. This teaching infuses the lyric verse of Rumi (1207–1273), the greatest of the Sufi poets.
This book features many of Gülen's ideas that have guided this extraordinary venture since its inception.
This comprehensive study explores sufism as a form of self-purification, offering a deeper understanding of the sacred acts and a greater knowledge and love of the divine.