This poem by Hafiz celebrates the Phoenix of Islamic mythology.
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Shaikh Kabir Helminski offers a sohbet (discourse & discussion) on July’s theme of the month: “Be cleansed of shallow idolatries; affirm the Real. Ya Haqq.
"My heart wandered through the world constantly seeking after my cure, but the sweet and delicious water of life had to break through the granite of my heart." When the words of Rumi enter your heart, something softens, breaks, and is subtly reborn.
Islam once gave birth to a great civilization that respected religious diversity, freedom of conscience, and scientific thought, and Islamic knowledge contributed to the birth of humanism in the Renaissance.
This collection of poems introduces a general readership to Yunus Emre (1240–1321), called the “greatest folk poet in Islam.
Shaikh Kabir Helminski is a Sufi master of the 700 year old Mevlevi order, the lineage of Jalaluddin Rumi. Sufism (tasawwuf) is the inner, spiritual, mystical dimension of Islam. Its aim is the development of Presence and Love.
Those interested in Islamic literature and spirituality are invited to pore over this rigorous and highly polished English translation of the Qur'an, the religion's quintessential text.
The spiritual vocabulary of the Islamic tradition offers profound and enlightening concepts that do not easily lend themselves to English translation.
Sufism is a centuries-old spiritual psychology leading to presence in life. Presence is our capacity to be whole in the moment, in alignment with our deepest wisdom. With unusual clarity, this book describes how presence is different from ordinary habits of mind, and how it can be developed.
Love is the meaning of our existence, the raw material of transformation, the glorious way of access to Divine intimacy. This teaching infuses the lyric verse of Rumi (1207–1273), the greatest of the Sufi poets.
These illuminating discourses, covering a wealth of themes relating to the inner life, open an accessible and refreshing window to the mature practical spirituality within the living tradition of Sufism.