This poem by Hafiz celebrates the Phoenix of Islamic mythology.
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In this luminous and authoritative collection, Jane Hirshfield presents an ever-deepening and altering comprehension of human existence in poems utterly unique, as William Matthews once wrote of her work, in their “praise of ceaseless mutability as life’s central splendor.
The first volume of the series addresses the more essential questions concerning Islamic faith: e.g. God and the nature of His existence; can islam solve every problem? Did Prophet Muhammad write the Qur'an Subjects like the Prophethood, Satan, etc. are also examined.
Essentials of the Islamic Faith is a selection from some of the speeches M. Fethullah Gülen has given to large audiences over a life-time of dedicated service.
Drawn from the Miskkat al Masabih, this collection of the Prophet Muhammed's sayings includes both the English and Arabic text and provides an intelligent introduction to Islam.
The Art of Losing offers a human connection when we are grieving. Editor Kevin Young has introduced and selected 150 devastatingly beautiful poems that embrace the pain and heartbreak of mourning.
Some Afro-Diasporan traditions like Palo Mayombe require certain things to be done with the body after death.