This poem by Hafiz celebrates the Phoenix of Islamic mythology.
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This video discusses the Norse god Heimdall. I like that Heimdall is sort of the personification of order and Loki is the personification of chaos and at the end of days they kill each other.
An introduction to the Norse gods and goddesses, according to our medieval sources (the Poetic/Elder Edda and the Prose/Younger Edda).
The kidnapping of Idun. Idun was a lesser-known goddess from Norse mythology but nevertheless, a very important one. She was the keeper of the mysterious fruits that were eaten regularly by the Gods, fruits that enabled them to retain their youth and ward off the process of aging.
From Odin’s mighty horse to a world-circling serpent, Norse Mythology has a cacophony of crazy creatures!
The Scandinavian goddess Freyja is perhaps the most popular goddess from Norse mythology, Freya was the twin sister of Freyr and the daughter of Njord, god of the wind and sea.
Is Hel good, or evil? Was she a Christian fabrication? Here we discuss the Norse goddess of death, her representations in lore, and how she was worshipped in both antiquity and in modern practice.
In this vid, we explore Eir, the Norse Goddess of healing. A Goddess on which there is scant information, but a vibrant modern practice.
Jon Solo covers the nine different worlds of Norse mythology.
Some of the most interesting characters in Norse mythology are not the powerful gods. But rather the creatures that constantly appear to challenge the gods and terrorise men.
Today we take a look at a much requested Norse God, Thor the mighty God of thunder.