This poem by Linda Hogan explores the theme of spirituality through imagery of Native afterlife mythology.
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In this luminous and authoritative collection, Jane Hirshfield presents an ever-deepening and altering comprehension of human existence in poems utterly unique, as William Matthews once wrote of her work, in their “praise of ceaseless mutability as life’s central splendor.
This month’s conversation in our series exploring religion and death is with Karen Teel, who has been a member of the department of theology and religious studies at the University of San Diego since 2007.
It’s always useful to learn about death in different cultures. And Taoist beliefs about death—both religious and philosophical—are interesting and complex. By learning about Taoist beliefs about death and life after death, you can better understand many philosophies around the world.
A classic of Tibetan Buddhism brought to life with insightful commentary by a modern master.
A channeled guide to the life-death transition experience and how to prepare for the wonders of the afterlife. • Reveals the afterlife as a fluid realm of imagination and invention, a luminous landscape created entirely of consciousness.
An instant New York Times bestseller, Neale Donald Walsch offers the classic exploration of the process by which we end our lives here on earth and begin our so-called after life experience in God’s kingdom.
Mitch discusses his book, THE FIVE PEOPLE YOU MEET IN HEAVEN.
The Art of Losing offers a human connection when we are grieving. Editor Kevin Young has introduced and selected 150 devastatingly beautiful poems that embrace the pain and heartbreak of mourning.
Simply the mind continues, because as we’ve discussed in previous times, the mind is a stream of awareness which is not generated from physical causes.
The world's leading expert on near-death experiences reveals his journey toward rethinking the nature of death, life, and the continuity of consciousness.