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Changing Seasons

All My Relations Podcast

This episode marks the 12th and final episode of Season Two. What a wild, magical, beautiful and tragic year it has been — a season of dramatic change: personally, professionally, spiritually, and as we say in the episode “you are allowed to feel all the feelings”.

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What If Gentrification Was About Healing Communities Instead of Displacing Them? | Liz Ogbu

Liz Ogbu is an architect who works on spatial justice: the idea that justice has a geography and that the equitable distribution of resources and services is a human right.

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Who Owns the Land?

No one disputes that decades ago local Indians were unfairly deprived of hundreds of thousands of acres that were guaranteed to them in perpetuity by solemn treaty; yet no one can agree about what should be done to correct that injustice today.

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American Democracy Cannot Breathe

Yes, we must radically transform policing in America. But we cannot stop there. We must transform the pervasive systems of economic and carceral injustice that are choking our common life.

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Inside Veterans Row: Homeless Vets Outside Los Angeles's VA

Most have of us have seen the unsettling images of American flags fastened to the outside of tents at a homeless encampment called "Veteran's Row" in Los Angeles. Rob Reynolds's passion is to support homeless veterans navigate services to get the help they need.

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James Cone and Taylor Branch on MLK’s Fight for Economic Equality

Theologian James Cone and Pulitzer Prize–winning historian Taylor Branch join Bill to discuss Dr. Martin Luther King’s vision of economic justice in addition to racial equality, and why so little has changed for America’s most oppressed.

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Q&A with the Rev. William Barber, Building “Fusion Coalition” that Unites People Against Poverty

Barber makes clear his belief that the role of Christians is to call for social justice and allow the “rejected stones” of American society—the poor, people of color, women, LGBTQIA people, immigrants, religious minorities—to lead the way.

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William Barber Takes on Poverty and Race in the Age of Trump

After the success of the Moral Monday protests, the pastor is attempting to revive Martin Luther King, Jr.’s final—and most radical—campaign.

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The Hope of America’s Possibility, with Rev. William J. Barber II | #Obconf2019

Rev. William J.

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Revive Us Again: Vision and Action in Moral Organizing

This volume features Rev. Barber’s most stirring sermons and speeches, with response essays by prominent public intellectuals, activists, and faith leaders. Drawing from the history of social movements in the US, especially the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Poor People’s Campaign, Rev.

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We Need to Talk about an Injustice | Bryan Stevenson

In an engaging and personal talk—with cameo appearances from his grandmother and Rosa Parks—human rights lawyer Bryan Stevenson shares some hard truths about America’s justice system, starting with a massive imbalance along racial lines: a third of the country’s black male population has been...

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BIPOC Well-Being