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Changing Seasons

All My Relations Podcast

This episode marks the 12th and final episode of Season Two. What a wild, magical, beautiful and tragic year it has been — a season of dramatic change: personally, professionally, spiritually, and as we say in the episode “you are allowed to feel all the feelings”.

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Mother-Daughter Therapists Focus on BIPOC, LGBTQ Communities

For the owners of Magnolia Wellness, LLC, mental health is more than just a brain issue. Rather, say Gizelle Tircuit and her daughter Janelle Posey-Green, emotional wellness goes far beyond what’s inside someone’s head, encompassing their body, their community, their culture and more.

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BIPOC + ALLY Meeting at the Intersection: Mindfulness, Compassion, and AntiRacism with JoAnna Hardy

This is a meditation meeting for people of color and their allies interested in using the Buddhist principles of mindfulness and compassion to help work with and understand how to be AntiRacist. JoAnna will share wisdom and experience on topics that are pertinent and immediate in the country today.

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Opening Up by Writing It Down, Third Edition: How Expressive Writing Improves Health and Eases Emotional Pain

Expressing painful emotions is hard--yet it can actually improve our mental and physical health. This lucid, compassionate book has introduced tens of thousands of readers to expressive writing, a simple yet powerful self-help technique grounded in scientific research. Leading experts James W.

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David Reilly: Human Healing Unlocked—Transforming Suffering into Wellbeing

From germinating 30,000 year old seeds to the effects of Type II diabetes on the National Health Service, Dr David Reilly MD’s fast paced talk on how to unlock the potential of human healing is both fascinating and touching.

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Deepak Chopra Discusses the Role of Alternative Medicine and Spirituality in Wellbeing

Integrated medicine expert Deepak Chopra joined USC’s dean of religious life in virtual conversation through Visions and Voices’ Thrive series

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A Therapist Breaks Down How Our Bodies Carry Racial Trauma

There’s growing research into racism’s real impact on the body, especially how stress can impact health and how your DNA works. Resmaa Menakem, a therapist and trauma specialist has been drawing on this research for years.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageIndecision leads to inaction, which leads to low energy, depression, despair.

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Wim Hof: The Man and the Method

Your breathing rate and pattern is a process within the autonomic nervous system that you can control to some extent to achieve different results.

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The Superhuman World of Wim Hof: The Iceman

Wim Hof first caught the attention of scientists when he proved he was able to use meditation to stay submerged in ice for 1 hour and 53 minutes without his core body temperature changing.

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Quantum Wellness: A Practical and Spiritual Guide to Health and Happiness

This life-changing guide teaches us how to reach our highest level of health and contentment through small, focused changes. Featuring a foreword by #1 New York Times bestselling author Dr. Mehmet C. Oz, Quantum Wellness will forever change the way readers approach healthy living.

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BIPOC Well-Being