The Daily Shine
The world is going through many changes, and we each play an important role. Make sure you remember it’s OK to rest along the way.
Some people harbor the illusion that rest is a luxury they do not have time for, but the reality is that rest is a necessity.
Discover the transformative power of leisure to recapture your calm and creativity. We live in a time where busyness is often seen as a badge of honor.
Teacher/Author Jeff Foster guides you through a gentle 25-minute guided meditation to embrace yourself exactly as you are, and discover a deep inner "YES!". To rest in the arms of life. To end the exhausting struggle of becoming, and soften into any inner discomfort or tension. To let go...
Stressing the body makes you stronger—as long as you have time to rest and recover.
BBC presenter Claudia Hammond helps us discover how to find more rest in a frantic world and reminds us that rest isn't a luxury, it's essential. This was filmed at an Action for Happiness event in London on 25 Feb 2020.
Some of the most effective methods people can use to improve their health are also the most accessible. The following six practices demonstrate how valuable it can be to go back to basics when it comes to well-being.
Ask any physician and they will tell you rest is essential for physical health. When the body is deprived of sleep, it is unable to rebuild and recharge itself adequately. Your body requires rest.
Today busyness has become a badge of honour. We want to say we're busy, yet at the same time we feel exhausted. Instead we should start taking rest seriously as a method of self-care and this book can help us to work out how.
Look Younger, Be Healthier, and Experience a New Kind of Energy Sluggishness. Boredom. Lack of concentration. Too many of us pour another cup of coffee and accept fatigue as the inevitable side effect of hectic lives. Dr. Matthew Edlund shows us there is a better way.
We all need more naps! This book is a Portable Nap to take along anywhere you need it! “How lovely it is to rest and then do nothing afterwards” A Spanish proverb This book may cause you to feel more: sexy funny creative intriguing flexible deluxe