The Daily Shine
The world is going through many changes, and we each play an important role. Make sure you remember it’s OK to rest along the way.
After my husband died, a silly catchphrase became a lifeline for me. Instead of wishing for a reality I couldn’t have, I embraced the circumstances I was dealt.
Normal bereavement and major depression share many of the same symptoms. And because of those similarities, psychiatrists have historically carved out what is known as a "bereavement exclusion." Its purpose was to reduce the likelihood that normal grief would be diagnosed as clinical depression.
Both parents and adult children often fail to recognize how profoundly the rules of family life have changed over the past half century.
Part One of an interview with musician and composer Silvia Nakkach. She discusses how sound and music can bring about healing and why this is applicable in end-of-life situations.
From the revered meditation teacher Stephen Levine, here is a volume of guided meditations for the deeper healing of spirit, mind, and body.