The Daily Shine
The world is going through many changes, and we each play an important role. Make sure you remember it’s OK to rest along the way.
Coping with cancer is hard. It is an emotional ordeal as well as a physical one, with known and somewhat predictable psychological responses. And yet, patients often feel isolated and alone when dealing with the stress, anxiety, depression, and existential crises so typical with a cancer diagnosis.
Part One of an interview with musician and composer Silvia Nakkach. She discusses how sound and music can bring about healing and why this is applicable in end-of-life situations.
On this episode of Health Theory with Tom Bilyeu, Dave Asprey discusses the primary dietary mistakes people make, advocates for some pretty unusual health practices, and details simple, inexpensive changes you can make to reverse the aging process and radically improve your day-to-day health.
From the revered meditation teacher Stephen Levine, here is a volume of guided meditations for the deeper healing of spirit, mind, and body.
In Insight Meditation, Joseph Goldstein provides an overview of Buddhist practice and its context generally while focusing on vipassana meditation specifically.