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Let Your ‘Why’ Guide You

The Daily Shine

In times of pain or grief, caring for ourselves can feel so challenging. In today’s meditation, we’ll connect with your “why” and how it can guide you through difficult emotions.

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Parker Palmer Explains Why Inner Contemplation Is So Necessary

Necessity being the mother of invention, it struck me that contemplation didn’t depend on a particular practice.

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4 Questions to Change Your Life: An Interview with Byron Katie, Creator of ‘The Work’

A powerful practice of self-inquiry created by Byron Katie, The Work consists of four questions that can help you examine and dissolve the stress associated with your thoughts. She explains how in this interview.

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How to Avoid Confirmation Bias at Work

Avoiding confirmation bias starts with paying attention to how you interact with information.

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If You Want to Change, Start from the Ground Up

When people seek personal change in their lives, they often don’t get very far.

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Rodney Yee and Colleen Saidman Yee on Seeking Refuge

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The Power of Mindfulness: What You Practice Grows Stronger | Shauna Shapiro | TEDxWashingtonsquare

How do we change? In this pioneering talk, Dr. Shauna Shapiro draws on modern neuroscience and ancient wisdom to demonstrate how mindfulness can help us make positive changes in our brains and our lives.

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Dr. Gabor Maté on How to Reframe a Challenging Moment and Feel Empowered | The Tim Ferriss Show

Tim Ferriss is one of Fast Company’s “Most Innovative Business People” and an early-stage tech investor/advisor in Uber, Facebook, Twitter, Shopify, Duolingo, Alibaba, and 50+ other companies.

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What to Do When Your Thoughts Conflict with Your Feelings

If your thoughts are positive, but yet you feel negative, what do you do about it? This video explains what to do and what not to do in order to feel good.

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Know Thyself — This Is the Highest Knowledge

“You have studied so many things in life, now I ask you to study yourself.

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The Work: The Power of Self-Inquiry | Byron Katie | Wisdom 2.0 2016

From Wisdom 2.0 2016 in San Francisco. 75-minute event includes audience members participating in self-reflection practices based on Katie's "The Work."

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BIPOC Well-Being