Kick in the Creatives Podcast
Today's episode is all about how to find creative ways to cope with isolation following the coronavirus outbreak.
Create the Future is an exciting, highly-visual guidebook for disruptive thinking, innovation, and change, paired with The Innovation Handbook, an updated version of the award-winning book, Exploiting Chaos.
The Creative Thinking Handbook argues that we need to identify and remove the 'box' around our thinking, so we canunlock unlimited streams of creativity for professional and business success.
When we help youth to develop an entrepreneurial mindset, we empower them to be successful in our rapidly changing world. Whether they own a business or work for someone else, young adults need the skills and confidence to identify opportunities, solve problems and sell their ideas.
Today, we recognize cultural entrepreneurship to be both the economic power of creative industries and the unique strength that creative individuals bring to traditional entrepreneurship as leaders, managers and innovators.
As part of our series on life hacks from highly creative people, Rob Pierre, CEO of digital agency Jellyfish, reveals what he does to keep the inspired ideas flowing – even when he’s under pressure.
As the hipster classic Craft, Inc. did for crafters, this book will teach all types of creatives illustrators, photographers, graphic designers, animators, and more how to build a successful business doing what they love.
Amazingly, one-third of the American workforce is freelance―that’s 42 million people who have to wrestle with not just doing the work, but finding the work, then getting paid for the work, plus health care, taxes, setting up an office, marketing, and so on.
IDEO founder and Stanford creator David Kelley and his brother Tom Kelley, IDEO partner and the author of the bestselling The Art of Innovation, have written a powerful and compelling book on unleashing the creativity that lies within each and every one of us.
Self-employment offers incredible perks like autonomy, freedom, control, and fulfillment, but running your own business isn't always like the filtered highlight reel of posts you might see in people’s social media feeds.
In one of the most popular classes at Parsons School of Design, B. Jeffrey Madoff gave students a reality check: "Most of us have had the feeling of 'I could've done that,' whether at an art gallery, watching a performance, or finding a new product or even a new business idea.