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72 – How to Save Yourself with Bestselling Author Danielle Walker

The Verywell Mind Podcast With Amy Morin

When Danielle Walker was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, physicians told her that her illness could be well-managed with medication. Ultimately, she decided to change her diet - even though doctors said doing so wouldn't improve her symptoms. Her diet changes ultimately saved her.

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79 - How to Motivate Yourself to Get Healthy with Fitness Trainer Jillian Michaels

Jillian Michaels is a fitness expert and renowned life coach. Some of the things she shares on today's show include how to motivate yourself when you don't feel like it, how to set other people up for success, and how to get back on track when you've messed up.

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81 – How to Develop the Mindset of a Champion with TB12 CEO John Burns

John Burns is the CEO of TB12, the wellness company founded by Super Bowl champion Tom Brady. John shares what it takes to develop the mindset of a champion.

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Emotional and Mental Health