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122 – Improve Your Attention Span in a Distracted World with Psychology Professor Amishi Jha

The Verywell Mind Podcast With Amy Morin

Amishi Jha, Ph.D., is a professor of psychology at the University of Miami, and she’s written a new book called Peak Mind. In it, she shares how we can improve our attention spans and become better focused in just 12 minutes a day.

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03 – Stop the Toxic Positivity with Widow and Bestselling Author Nora McInerny

Amy talks to best-selling author and podcast host, Nora McInerny, about how toxic positivity causes more pain. She shares how to embrace uncomfortable feelings rather than fight them so you can live a better life.

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10 – The Real Story behind “13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do”

Three years after losing my mother, my 26-year-old husband died. I was a therapist. But the textbook material on grief I had to draw from wasn’t exactly helpful. In this episode, I’ll share my story and what I’ve learned about what it takes to be mentally strong.

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110 - How to Be Sad with Best-Selling Author Helen Russell

Helen Russell is a journalist, author, and happiness researcher. Some of the things she talks about in this episode are the benefits of happiness, the strategies we should stop using when we feel sad, and the coping skills that can help us embrace the sadness so we can ultimately grow happier.

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Emotional and Mental Health