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Native Strength Revolution

Unity in Yoga

Unity in Yoga host Maya Breuer comes together with Kate Herrera Jenkins (on her Pueblo Feast Day) to discuss Native Strength Revolution and their teacher trainings within indigenous communities. Native Strength Revolution’s mission is “healing indigenous communities one yoga class at a time!”

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Activism as a way to heal | Tasha Brade | TEDxLondon

Tasha Brade is a the youngest member of the Justice4Grenfell campaign. She reveals how she suffered from PTSD in the weeks after she witnesses the fire at Grenfell Tower and that joining this campaigner was her way to heal.

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Highlights from Tarana Burke ─ What's Next in Healing and Activism

The Me Too movement, first conceptualized over a decade ago, envisions intersectional survivor-centered solidarity for people of all races, classes, genders and abilities.

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Cree activist’s tale of trauma, healing, and Indigenous uprisings | Life in the CIty of Dirty Water

Indigenous climate justice activist Clayton Thomas-Müller embarks on an intimate storytelling journey, overcoming trauma, addiction, and incarceration to become a leader for his people and the planet.

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The Mountain Is You: Transforming Self-Sabotage Into Self-Mastery

This is a book about self-sabotage. Why we do it, when we do it, and how to stop doing it—for good.Coexisting but conflicting needs create self-sabotaging behaviors. This is why we resist efforts to change, often until they feel completely futile.

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The Politics of Trauma: Somatics, Healing, and Social Justice

The Politics of Trauma offers somatics with a social analysis. This book is for therapists and social activists who understand that trauma healing is not just for individuals—and that social change is not just for movement builders.

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Healing Justice: Holistic Self-Care for Change Makers

Healing justice, a term that has emerged in social movements in the last decade, is taught as a practice of connecting to the whole self, what many are conditioned to ignore -- the body, mind-heart, spirit, community, and natural world.

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This Is What Activism Does To Your Body

“Even with these health consequences, we can see the benefits of taking a stand because people are fighting for what they believe in and protecting people’s lives,” Sumner said. “I don’t think the answer is to stop altogether. It speaks to how critical it is to engage in self-care.

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For Protesters, Trauma Lingers Long After the Marching Ends

Instead of relying on systems that have consistently failed the most vulnerable in the protest community, Mullan encourages a shift toward community-based care.

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How to Revive Student Activism After a Year of Loss and Trauma

Student activists in particular have struggled with an additional test — how can they re-energize and sustain their movements after a year filled with anxiety, financial uncertainty, and a lack of in-person connection?

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The Hidden Victims of Repression – How Activists and Reporters Can Protect Themselves From Secondary Trauma

Peaceful protest has long been a way for ordinary people to take a stand against hate, injustice, and corruption. The contentious issues – and types of repression meted out – may change with the times, but the violence itself remains a constant for activists.

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Community Transformation and Healing