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Native Strength Revolution

Unity in Yoga

Unity in Yoga host Maya Breuer comes together with Kate Herrera Jenkins (on her Pueblo Feast Day) to discuss Native Strength Revolution and their teacher trainings within indigenous communities. Native Strength Revolution’s mission is “healing indigenous communities one yoga class at a time!”

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Françoise Bourzat: Consciousness Guide, Author, and Entheogenic Explorer

For those psychedelic users who experience post-use “spiritual comedowns”, psychedelic withdrawals, or a general sense of dopamine depletion, what can be done to alleviate these symptoms?

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Altered Traits: Science Reveals How Meditation Changes Your Mind, Brain, and Body

In the last twenty years, meditation and mindfulness have gone from being kind of cool to becoming an omnipresent Band-Aid for fixing everything from your weight to your relationship to your achievement level.

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Mind Science: Meditation Training for Practical People

The record of a day of meditation instruction with spirited questions from a rationally-minded audience, MIND SCIENCE achieves what most books on meditation rarely do: It’s actually fun to read, and it imparts much useful information without religious or mystical overtones.

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Community Transformation and Healing