Unity in Yoga
Fazilah Bazari shares teachings and perspectives on neuro-linguistic programming–the importance of self-care and body movement.
The greatest gift we can give our world is our presence, awake and attentive. What can help us do that? Here, drawn from ancient religions and wisdom traditions, are a handful of practices Joanna Macy has learned to count on.
The Great Turning identifies the shift from a self-destroying political economy to one in harmony with Earth and enduring for the future. It unites and includes all the actions being taken to honor and preserve life on Earth. It is the essential adventure of our time.
For fifty-plus years, Joanna Macy has been helping us to face the Earth’s urgent and deepening crisis, to look without turning away, and to engage.
Recorded April 24th, 2020 1000 people gathered on Zoom to hold a "Anxiety-to-Empowerment" Council Discover the place where " your deepest gladness and the world's deep hunger meets." - Frederick Buechner Discovery your soul-level purpose with a soul-infused community at Purpose Guides Institute.
Eco-philosopher and best-selling author Joanna Macy, Ph.D., shares five stories from her more than thirty years of studying and practicing Buddhism and deep ecology.