Unity in Yoga
Fazilah Bazari shares teachings and perspectives on neuro-linguistic programming–the importance of self-care and body movement.
Shaikh Kabir Helminski is a Sufi master of the 700 year old Mevlevi order, the lineage of Jalaluddin Rumi. Sufism (tasawwuf) is the inner, spiritual, mystical dimension of Islam. Its aim is the development of Presence and Love.
In the late 1960s, or early 1970s, Turkish preacher Fethullah Gulen’s message of deep and practiced faith, altruism and action was being delivered against a backdrop of poverty, corruption and moral decay.
Fethullah Gulen is a Turkish scholar, thinker, social entrepreneur. He stances for democracy, interfaith dialogue, peaceful coexistence, and secular education where universal values are embodied by altruistic teachers.
This book features many of Gülen's ideas that have guided this extraordinary venture since its inception.
The imam talks activists as politicians, her Syrian refugee father, and a non-digital world.
Daisy Khan, founder of the Women's Islamic Initiative for Spirituality and Equality, writes about educating Muslims to resist the false promises made by ISIS.
How often do you pray? Muslims must pray five times a day. Watch as Daisy Khan walks us through her early-morning ritual.