Unity in Yoga
Fazilah Bazari shares teachings and perspectives on neuro-linguistic programming–the importance of self-care and body movement.
Self-care is not escapism: It’s a way to remain present, connected, and committed. Here's how to battle burnout if you're an activist.
A testament to the power of giving and human connection.
Pandemic of Love founder and author Shelly Tygielski outlines how radical self-care can change the world.
Mental Health affects everyone says Youth Activists.
Soul of a Citizen awakens within us the desire and the ability to make our voices heard and our actions count. We can lead lives worthy of our convictions. A book of inspiration and integrity, Soul of a Citizen is an antidote to the twin scourges of modern life—powerlessness and cynicism.
Doug Shipman simplifies community to the simple act of "love thy neighbor." Thank you to Turner Studios for providing in-kind video production services for TEDxAtlanta.
After almost every presentation activist and writer Mia Birdsong gives to executives, think tanks, and policy makers, one of those leaders quietly confesses how much they long for the profound community she describes.
Diversity can be a great strength, but it is susceptible to manipulation when not accompanied by community leaders from all backgrounds willing and able to bridge across difference.
In Healing the Heart of Democracy, Parker J. Palmer quickens our instinct to seek the common good and gives us the tools to do it. This timely, courageous, and practical work—intensely personal as well as political—is not about them, "those people" in Washington, D.C.