Unity in Yoga
Fazilah Bazari shares teachings and perspectives on neuro-linguistic programming–the importance of self-care and body movement.
There is no end to realization, kinds and types of awakening, or enlightenment and completeness.
It sounds simple, yet it’s more than a technique for resolving conflict. It’s a different way of understanding human motivation and behavior.
The purpose of this interview was to introduce people to meditation and/or to Shinzen in a more casual, talk-show type format - thus Steph is playing the role of non-meditating talk-show host while Shinzen maintains his role as insightful, innovative teacher who speaks from deep experience & wisdom.
Based on over twenty years of research and spiritual practice, this is a groundbreaking and life-changing book. In his decades of study, Dr.
Stephen Cope asked 25 yoga and meditation teachers to share their “tales from the path”—their thoughts on how the long-term practice of yoga and meditation has changed their lives.