Practice You
On the road to sobriety, the questions we need to ask, and the ways we need to listen.
Ditch the idea of a "failed relationship" and make each relationship you have one that you can learn and grow from.
In all kinds of relationships, people have conflict and disagreements and hurt one another's feelings. What determines the success of the relationship is the way people deal with conflict, the nature of their friendship and intimacy, and their shared meaning system.
Couples are having less sex these days than even in the famously uptight ’50s. Why?
Applying Buddhist teachings to emotional healing with relationships, marriage, and lust.
Do you ever get too attached to some thing, some person, some goal?
We asked married couples at various stages: what's the biggest challenge in your relationship? From being married for 5 hours to 65 years, take a look at what these couples have to say.
Relationship problems? There’s good news. These revolutionary marriage counseling techniques can save your marriage and improve every relationship in your life.
Dealing with a partner that is unhappy is the issue at the root of most breakups, and I can tell you how many times I’ve had clients call me and say my partner is going through a midlife crisis.
Relationships are hard. But what if it's not you or them or sex, money, or even who picks up the socks.