Practice You
On the road to sobriety, the questions we need to ask, and the ways we need to listen.
Originally published as The Women’s Spirituality Book, this guide describes the beliefs and practices of the Goddess craft as it relates to the daily lives of women. It emphasizes achieving power and control through healing, visualization, Tarot, and the women’s I Ching.
Since its original publication in 1985, Jambalaya has become a classic among Women’s Spirituality Educators, practitioners of traditional Africana religions, environmental activists, and cultural creatives.
The book will appeal most to people who realize that they are “tree people.” It is poetic, educational, inspirational, spiritual, and down to earth, covering the subject of trees from anatomy and physiology to trees as archetypal and sacred symbols.
Rediscover your inner goddess, embrace your divine energy, and begin a journey of healing. This guide is packed with exercises and tools from both spiritual wisdom and evidence-based psychology.