Practice You
On the road to sobriety, the questions we need to ask, and the ways we need to listen.
Martin Seligman has meticulously analyzed the most authoritative scientific research on treatments for alcoholism, anxiety, weight loss, anger, depression, and a range of phobias and obsessions to discover what is the most effective way to address each condition.
Time and time again our Elders have said that the 12 steps of AA are just the same as the principles that our ancestors lived by, with only one change. When we place the 12 steps in a circle then they come into alignment with the circle teaching that we know from many of our tribal ways.
“Even where I live in St. Paul, known nationally for being the ‘crossroads of recovery,’” William said, “the stigma prevents people from thinking about alcoholics and other drug addicts as ‘good people with a bad illness.’”
"I knew how progressive the disease was. I knew each time I used, I fell faster and faster. I knew when I went out that day I was a dead man. I didn't go out to do drugs. I went out to die."
William Moyers's ordeal helped motivate Bill Moyers's new documentary series, ''Close to Home,'' which explores the nature of addiction. ''It isn't about me,'' his son said. ''It's about thousands of people like me.
William C. Moyers is the vice president of public affairs and community relations for Hazelden Betty Ford, based in Minnesota. As the organization's public advocate since 1996, Moyers carries the messages about addiction, treatment and recovery to audiences across the nation.
William Cope Moyers on staying sober.
Bill and Judith Moyers and their son William Cope Moyers shared their personal story of addiction and recovery with moderator Max Sherman.
Claudia Black’s seminal relapse prevention workbook has been revised and updated! People in recovery from addiction need to be award of the potential for setback and the range of challenges that can, and often do, lead to relapse. To assume or simply hope it will not occur is denial.
This Naked Mind has ignited a movement across the country, helping thousands of people forever change their relationship with alcohol. Many people question whether drinking has become too big a part of their lives, and worry that it may even be affecting their health.