A Life of Greatness
The positive changes you can make to optimise your lifestyle and create adjustments where you need more balance.
How is the art of manifestation different from the law of attraction? Watch as Dr. Wayne Dyer explains how we all have the ability to manifest anything we want into our lives.
After a few relationships gone bad and more than one night waiting by the phone, Oprah learned the hard way that if a man shows you he’s untrustworthy, believe him the first time. Watch Dr. Maya Angelou discuss this important life lesson with Oprah.
Oprah shares the powerful lesson author Maya Angelou, her friend and mentor, taught her many years ago. Find out why she says that Maya’s words, “when you know better, you do better,” are freeing for anyone who has ever made a mistake.
Oprah knows for sure that you don't always become what you want, and most times in life, you don't get what you want. Watch Oprah explain how no matter what obstacles get in your way, a little bit of faith-sometimes as small as a mustard seed-can get you through.
To bring more abundance into your life, Oprah and Eckhart discuss an exercise that anyone can start doing today. Eckhart says that whatever it is you think someone is withholding from you be it praise, appreciation, love, practice giving it to that other person.